Justin on an Instagram Video

@atifabarwanyHe says “he loves me” u think ?


@theworldshero: Come money dance wit the good fellas


On set - Lolly Music Video

Justin BieberMaejor Ali and Juicy J 


@mattalonzo#setlife @maejorali @justinbieber #Lolly Photo courtesy of @_jaredalexander

Sorry for the bad update,I've been busy. I'm the only one who blogs here and the blog is new, and I have not had time to get guest bloggers!
Förlåt för den dåliga uppdateringen, har varit upptagen. Jag är den enda som bloggar här och eftersom att bloggen är ny har jag inte hunnit skaffa gästbloggare!

Instagram Videos

@lastkingmm#JET #LIFE #JB #ZA #PooBear #⚡️⛄️

On Instagram

@djkhaled#sufferingfromsuccess coming soon salute young king @justinbieber

@lastkingmm”SOME WHERE IN THE 💭☁️⛅️☀️#JB #Poo #Za #JBpaps #NiggasWit#Paris


Instagram Videos

@Lexirobless: Just chillennnn with Biebs #justinbieber #heartbreaker 
@Anabellesir: Showing off the tattoos
@Anabellesir: @justinbieber


@theelcartel @jwarhol @justinbieber #JayZ after party at #Mansion #CartelLife #MiamiNights

Instagram Video

Video uploaded by @mvictoriaduarte : 'I love you Victoria' ... Still can't believe everything that happened tonight. @justinbieber thank you so much  Btw love u too haha ;)


@justinbieber: Chilling with the boys @kevinhart4real and J

Instagram Video



 mattalonzo: #Doubletime #fcp #lolly @nicdelikat #ma

Jaxon is definitely a Bieber

@justinbieber: Jaxon is definitely a Bieber always shirtless lol

frandalabay: Lil Bros… @justinbieber X @theworldshero

frandalabay: Lil Bros… @justinbieber X @theworldshero
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